Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Productive? Nou!

i know how to say no. am sitting in a classroom with the good intention of being productive. am planning for the coming year and i thought that i should utilize my procrastination tool.

this classroom is a really weird mix cause the board is a chalk board and god knows i havent used one since i was a child. at the same time an lcd projector is mounted to be used with the rooms laptop. its weird. i shall endeavor never to use the chalk board. the other really lovely thing about the classroom is that there are only 12 desks in it. as in that is the max number of students. SCORE! this means lots less marking/ grading, which is the bane of my existence.

rode the subway and couldnt find my apt. i went up to a building that i thought was mine and the doorman had to tell me that i didnt live there. he didnt speak english. the way it worked out was this spindly old man blocked me from entering the building while saying incomprehensible things to me. i got the point and moved on - plus he scared me a little. at the next building the doorman said more incomprehensible romanian things to menbut they sounded friendlier and he let me in the building so, score!, i knew i lived there. when i got to the apt, my key worked - yay! home sweet home.

Monday, August 28, 2006

alooo from Romania

alooo. that is how i have heard people answer the phone. there is a real way to say hello but, em, I havent learned that yet.

am here in Romania - safe and sound. so far its a big city with big city traffic. am looking at places to live but so far, havent settled on anything. the flight was good but long. however i did sleep through most of it. So much so that they didnt give me my food. they just went by. I would ring the bell for the stewardess and would fall asleep before she got to me. oh well.

the school is pretty cool. they have it painted non-school colors with pastels and blue and stuff. it is not beige which is nice. teachers seem pretty cool so far as well. I havent done anything terribly interesting but go to the mall (got a sim card) and the grocery store.

all is well

Saturday, August 26, 2006

geek test

as it is well late and i havent finished packing, i decided to take a procrastination break. i utilized my time effectively by . . .

i am a total geek <-- click to measure your geek factor taking a geek test. I scored relatively well with an index of total geekness. I have to say that when i took the nerd test back in the day, i did score higher. dont know if i have improved or lost something infinitely precious. :)

for other tests (i.e. procrastination tools) visit here.

Friday, August 25, 2006

phone booth fun

joe, christine, and i rediscovered the magic of the phone booth. i havent been in one in years. the last few times were when i was in the UK and involved huddling in the booth for warmth cause i had missed the last train and had a few hours before the next one came. while fun, this time it was way better. enjoy.

This be the end

Sadly, my time in these here states is at an end. most excellent visiting the friends and family though as always there is loads that I wanted/needed to do that i didnt.one of the best bits about this trip is that i did get to do some traveling. saw Niagra Falls and D.C.

also got to hang out in orlando a bit. pretty cool. though i am 'from' here, i really have no idea what the towns about since i left to go to school and never lived here as an adult.

joe and christine took me to an excellent dive called Wills Pub. its one of those places that has been around forever is pretty grungy but has loads of personality. we saw and heard the Sam Rivers Orchestra, which is a pretty old school jazz band (not that i know much about jazz). none of that smooth jazz scariness. apparently Sam Rivers is being inducted into the Jazz Hall of Fame this weekend . . . props!

there was also phone booth madness with the three of us as well as seeing some people from the past who i'd lost touch with. saw and talked with some oddities but thats all part of the joy of orlando i guess. i kinda miss the chill of the U.S. that lets crazies feel okay about coming up to you and conversing. always entertaining.

anywho. leaving tomorrow and have yet to pack.

oh and heres a pic of the Old Sanaa skyline from when i was in yemen. about sunrise i think. first apt blocks in the world.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


This is my new space to let y'all know what's going on with me. It will also help me know what I've been up to.

I learned this summer that my memory is faulty and fading rapidly. Names, dates, places, and just about everything else are lost but completely useless information manages to well its way past my brain and out my mouth... As I am extremely lazy, this is like a 4 bird with one blog kinda thing.

-- by the way, jdor is an amalgam of bits of my name

j.... ...dor - - the of course the last name.
