Tuesday, January 29, 2008

oh! the nostalgia

i take a break from writing about geopolitics (i know!) to share this with you. it brings back fuzzy warm memories of my enduring love of kevin bacon, the greatness of kenny loggins, imbibing my sister's taste in music (james ingram and michael mcdonald rock!) and how my true appreciation for the greatness of jimmy buffet came in college while sharing drinks and writing papers with justin(am sure that they were all that is brilliance). enjoy!


i was procrastinating at work today so i took a procrastination survey. some people at a university somewhere were doing some research on procrastination. ironically the research took a couple of years longer to complete than expected.

hey you can't fault me, contrary to popular belief high school geography and history is just not that fascinating.

guess how i scored. it can be found here. have fun and onward with the procrastination.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

brain dead

ugh! i have written 32 pages this weekend.

my butt has gotten bigger as my breaks involved eating and seemingly my brain doesnt work if am not chewing.

now the true horror awaits me. proofing the drivel that i thought was pure brilliance the first time around.

i lie. it was never brilliant

Thursday, January 10, 2008

home cold home

am back home now and its bad news. apparently, its been snowing most of the time i've been gone. walking around is hazardous to my bottom. when the plane touched down, i thought that i had gotten the time wrong, but it turns out it was only the fog and clouds blocking out all light.

went to work and was crazy tired. i had gotten used to taking a nap when necessary. turns out you cant do that on the job. what is this world coming to? woke up early to go to work, was all set and couldnt find my keys. i think i may have left my brain in the uae

holiday was great. relaxed, talked, hung out, and ate. i gained like 6 pounds in my time there. i will place credit or blame on linda's seriously good home cooking. hadnt had that since last time i went to the mom's house where i also gained lots of weight in a short amount of time.

will be posting for the next . . . pics from the vaycay until i run out or lose focus

hated by the gods (addendum)

in all fairness, i did manage to get some cookies and cream thanks to my lovely friends. and it was baskin robbins too!!!

from the carton is great. on a cone with that round ball of ice cream, priceless. (actually about 2 bucks)

Sunday, January 06, 2008

hated by the gods

holiday is winding down now. its been good. i've enjoyed the sunshine, warmth, and good cooking.

i have pretty much done lots and am satisfied except for 1 FREAKING THING!!!

from this i realize ( though i really should have cottoned on to this before) that the gods either hate me or enjoy many laughs at my expense.

i was all excited, EXCITED!, about having copious amounts of baskin robbins cookies and cream ice cream. hadnt had it in 18 months and definitely one of the things i was gonna treat myself with.

do you know that there seems to be none to be had in the ENTIRE country. can you believe this. i have gone to many baskin robbins, only to be turned away. "its on order they say. next month we will have." apparently my fate is to want, unsatisfied.

of the ice cream anyway.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

new camera

got a new camera while i've been crazy with it. Here I am chasing Heather around the house.

have been spending time with the friends and doing things like shopping and laughing out loud at some of the things available here. every place has its absurdities and i had forgotten some to be found here. Heather and I pretty much burst the ear drums of everyone in our vicinity all over Al Ain as we encountered some of these gems.
This heartthrob came ready to hang in a sliver frame.

breaking and entering

am currently in love with the breaking and entering soundtrack. I have no idea what the movie is about but the sounds are gorgeous. The soundtrack was composed by a favorite band of mine, Underworld. Its relaxing and melodic, flows seamlessly and is gentle and beautiful. It kinda makes me want to see the movie (okay i lie, at least find out what its about). Listen to some of it here.