Tuesday, March 31, 2009

monsters of grace

I've been listening to Philip Glass alot lately, the old stuff that I have and things I've never heard before. Some of it is crazy amazing. I remember seeing Monsters of Grace way back in 98/99 when he came to G-ville.

Hmmm. I hadn't heard it since that performance and I thought, let me have another listen. Now I realize that sometimes the memory of something is sometimes way better than the experience, especially when it had grown kinda hazy. Listening to it brought it all back.I recall hating the English opera part. I now realize that my observation then was pretty sound. Yeah, some things just don't so sound good when you can understand what they're saying. If it were in another language or if they enunciated a little less carefully, I would never have known the levels of cheese that Philip Glass could plumb. We're talking Poisonesque. Am gonna stick to the stuff without words.

Monday, March 02, 2009

sleep deprived

i came home saturday nite so i could have a day of rest before heading back to work. except i couldnt sleep on saturday so i slept late of sunday so i couldnt sleep sunday nite and got 2 hours of sleep.

i totally oversleep and am a zombie at work. finally the students leave and i have survived the purgatory of the neverending staff meeting. I decide to be good and buy nutritious food for the coming week. only to realize - while packing the groceries - that i left my house keys at work. something i never ever do. me brain no work.