Thursday, September 14, 2006

meat and taxi drivers

since the whole food thang . . .

i went to Cora which is a french Walmart - but not as good - to do some house and grocery shopping. its a freaking madhouse. walmart seems to be a bit more sedate.

i saw like the most meat i had every seen in one place - well aside from a cow farm. i mean they have all these different sections and like a whole isle of cured meats. i guess there is more than one way to skin a cat - or em cure it.

there was also alot of cheese which is good and bad for me. and yay! of yays! i found tofu. i wouldnt have thought it. the weird thing is that its kinda just like cheese. imagine pepper jack cheese but with tofu. i also found some dried stuff. so i gots some protein.

we went home with a taxi driver who was like this massively old dude. he sang our address as he drove us home. LOUDLY. then he decided he needed to make a pit stop at a bakery to buy some bread. he kept on extolling the virtues of the bread and shaking it at us.

oh and he asked me if i was from nigeria or guatamala - a weird combo. i told hime guatamala. i like this - am totally picking up nationalities, from places i have never been to.


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