Tuesday, December 05, 2006

corruption? Please!

apparently corruption is rampant in romania. or rather the public very much distrust the government and dont feel that hard work gets them anywhere. this makes me feel good and gives me a wasrm fuzzy feeling. i wonder though, in what ways is the government corrupt. of course i see it in the education somewhat (from this school anyway) where merit is not necessarily the benchmark for achievement. if you go to the gallup website, you can see the world corruption index.

couple questions though . . . whose life does this whole corruption index make better? now romanians can be all depressed when they find out that the made the top ten . . . for corruption. and the finnish (least amount of perceived corruption) can be all smug that their country is freaking awesome. in an aside, i met some scandinavians and a finnish dude a while back and i learned that amongst the finger (as i like to call them. in full - fingers from the arctic) countries, the finnish are stereotyped as being really violent drunks. something about drinking alot (vodka) and stabbing people. but i guess the government doesnt habitually stab, which, when you think about it, is a good thing. furthermore, nothing instigates distrust like government sanctioned random stabbings. though this could be a pretty good technique for keeping them in line. food for thought for when i become totalitarian ruler.

the u.s. has a relatively low level of perceived corruption. i dont know what that is all about though. but with that said. i fully believe in corruption - especially if it can do something for me. personally, i say bring it on and increase the load. TO CORRUPTION AND BEYOOOOND!!

so if you know anyone or are yourself corruptibility inclined, i would be more than happy to sign on, giving a negligible amount of work and developing ways to stab you in the back so my bank account gets fat and other really good stuff. um. . . i can send a cover letter and c.v.

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