Monday, July 16, 2007

Targoviste, Romania

This is the former princely court where such greats like Vlad Tepes (Dracula) ruled. its basically a ruin now and we were the only ones there when we went.
we took a maxi-taxi to get there (cross b/t bus and taxi) and had no idea where we were when arrived. i started talking to a girl on the bus asking for directions. she was really sweet (recently completed here university degree) and offered us a ride. we walked to where she was meeting her father and off we were!! sadly Kelly broke their car. it was working fine for an old communist car from the 80s (there was also a lot of bread in the back) but it stopped in the road. the dad tried to get it started but no dice. so we wound up helping to push it across a few lanes of traffic to a side street. the heart was in the right place and i feel really sorry for them that kelly's mojo did not agree with that of their car.

we had some pastries then walked on - now that we knew where things were. we saw an old monastery that htey were making repairs to and went in but no one spoke to us. i think in may have been because we were wearing no sleeved shirts.

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