Thursday, November 22, 2007

a very guilty pleasure

its a sad sad thing. as always, i am on the lookout for a new procrastinating tool. i have just recently discovered project runway. gasp! it is so bad that its good. unfortunately for me, i have to get it all from my umbilical cord, the internet. and thank goodness for the invention of youtube. what makes it even better is that there are seasons - yes multiples- for me to use in my efforts to waste my life and time. perrrrrfect-a!

and to add the cherry- apparently there is project runway Canada. hosted by iman. her delivery is a bit weird but hey, how could i not love the spouse of D.bowie.

all i can say is my life is worth living and eventually, those chapters will be read and papers written.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

say it aint so

is there nothing sacred left? am i to have no illusions? i was flabbergasted, weirded out, and disillusioned at this. bill nye is the science guy! he is not supposed to be bill nye, the fraudulent marriage, crazy ex-wife/girlfriend poisioning the roses (the new bunny boiling?) and possibly him, needing a restraining order guy.

what is next? hafta say that thought bill nye was crazy awesome back in the day.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

. . . been somewhere too long when . . .

today i went to ikea (like my favorite place on earth) on my way back had a not very nice accident. tripped, fell into a puddle on my brand new picture frame, broke it, felt like i broke my knee. its been raining and the temps have been hovering around freezing. a nice lady came along and helped me up. so i continued my walk home with my freezing wet self.

so i decided i needed some comfort warming up food. coupled with having not gone to the grocery store today cause was all being studious and stuff, my choices were a bit limited. so i decided on garlic soup. YAY!!!! i had some tortellini in the freezer, garlic, veggie broth. so am on my way. but alas, no peppers, and coriander leaves. what's a girl to do. well. . .

today i realized that i had been in romania too long. not only did i have cabbage in my fridge but i realized that maybe it can go with anything. so now i have garlic cabbage soup.

pofta buna (bon appetite in romanian.)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

one down . . .

just spent my entire freaking day at school. tonite we had a parents evening. most of the parents are very nice and as always you see the parents of the kids you dont need to. parents of the spawns of satan stay home.

i once had one woman tell me that her husband didnt want to come because he knew all the bad stuff he was gonna hear about their kid.

but i had set my watch this morning and dont you know i did it wrong. i thought it was an hour earlier so i stayed an extra half hour talking to people. then i thought that this seemed very long and i went and asked someone the time. most of the other teachers had already gone.


language profilin'

okay not for real but sorta kinda. i ride public transport here and as far as i can tell, its pretty good. except for the constant changing of routes due to construction. but hey, this will all be worth it.

i also get stopped by the controllers alot. these european countries like to have public transport work on something like the honor system. for the most part to get on and you have to validate a ticket. or you could not. the conductor has nothing to do with it.

every so often someone comes on the bus/tram and randomly checks whether people have tickets. but its really not so random (as it feels to me) these dudes are always picking on me. they get on the bus all secretive like - you know wearing plain clothes like this is some bond film.

this weekend, i was riding the tram on my way to meet a friend. phone rings, i start speaking. immediately i get tap, shown the official ID, and i have to dig around my bag ( very scary place) then work the stupid monthly card out of my wallet. after all that work, he doesnt even check to see if its valid. after me, i dont see him asking to see other peoples.

i got caught once last year and didnt have my card. the dude showed me some papers. talked at me some and then asked for money. am pretty sure, and my romanian friends said it was likely, that he just pocketed the money. see i think the english = pay dirt.