Thursday, January 10, 2008

home cold home

am back home now and its bad news. apparently, its been snowing most of the time i've been gone. walking around is hazardous to my bottom. when the plane touched down, i thought that i had gotten the time wrong, but it turns out it was only the fog and clouds blocking out all light.

went to work and was crazy tired. i had gotten used to taking a nap when necessary. turns out you cant do that on the job. what is this world coming to? woke up early to go to work, was all set and couldnt find my keys. i think i may have left my brain in the uae

holiday was great. relaxed, talked, hung out, and ate. i gained like 6 pounds in my time there. i will place credit or blame on linda's seriously good home cooking. hadnt had that since last time i went to the mom's house where i also gained lots of weight in a short amount of time.

will be posting for the next . . . pics from the vaycay until i run out or lose focus

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