Monday, August 28, 2006

alooo from Romania

alooo. that is how i have heard people answer the phone. there is a real way to say hello but, em, I havent learned that yet.

am here in Romania - safe and sound. so far its a big city with big city traffic. am looking at places to live but so far, havent settled on anything. the flight was good but long. however i did sleep through most of it. So much so that they didnt give me my food. they just went by. I would ring the bell for the stewardess and would fall asleep before she got to me. oh well.

the school is pretty cool. they have it painted non-school colors with pastels and blue and stuff. it is not beige which is nice. teachers seem pretty cool so far as well. I havent done anything terribly interesting but go to the mall (got a sim card) and the grocery store.

all is well


Anonymous said...

I am still in Boston, and liking it quite a bit.
Stay in touch, I miss you.
Keep up with me here...
or here



Anonymous said...

Hi Junie,

Romania, wow that is really cool.


Anonymous said...


I am glad you made it to Romania. We sure do miss you here in FL!! Enjoy yourself.


Anonymous said...

hey junie

glad to hear you made it safe and sound even without food. let me know when you have a new address i can send you some goodies from the us that you can't get there. kelly loved the tampons i sent her. you might have stocked up on bras before you left.

still in olympic pennisula which is beautiful. i will send you some photos.
