Friday, August 25, 2006

This be the end

Sadly, my time in these here states is at an end. most excellent visiting the friends and family though as always there is loads that I wanted/needed to do that i of the best bits about this trip is that i did get to do some traveling. saw Niagra Falls and D.C.

also got to hang out in orlando a bit. pretty cool. though i am 'from' here, i really have no idea what the towns about since i left to go to school and never lived here as an adult.

joe and christine took me to an excellent dive called Wills Pub. its one of those places that has been around forever is pretty grungy but has loads of personality. we saw and heard the Sam Rivers Orchestra, which is a pretty old school jazz band (not that i know much about jazz). none of that smooth jazz scariness. apparently Sam Rivers is being inducted into the Jazz Hall of Fame this weekend . . . props!

there was also phone booth madness with the three of us as well as seeing some people from the past who i'd lost touch with. saw and talked with some oddities but thats all part of the joy of orlando i guess. i kinda miss the chill of the U.S. that lets crazies feel okay about coming up to you and conversing. always entertaining.

anywho. leaving tomorrow and have yet to pack.

oh and heres a pic of the Old Sanaa skyline from when i was in yemen. about sunrise i think. first apt blocks in the world.


Anonymous said...

Dude, get on it!

J to the Dor said...

i am, i am.