Wednesday, April 18, 2007

back from Germany

am back home now. its good to be home and sleep in my bed and not share space with people and have clothing be optional but it sure does suck to go back to work. am tired of working and am ready to be saved from it. i could use a longer vacation - luckily summer is just 7 weeks away.

i really enjoyed this trip. the people i worked with were pretty cool with great senses of humor. we all developed catch phrases that would send others into peals of laughter - dont think they make much sense to anyone else though. will hopefully be able to visit some of them at some point. plus i had lots of fun.

observations on germany

- very very clean
- very very law abiding (rarely did anyone cross the street against the light)
- environmentally conscious - lots of well planed bike lanes and people using them
- not the most fashionable people in the world
- the women wore very little make up (right on!)
- people were really nice - i seem to get lost alot and people always took time out to point me in the right direction sometimes even walking me the way.
- german women have ginormous feet - large sizes are pretty easy to find
- very pretty and well maintained.
- they surely do love their sausage
- good girly beer (more on this later)
- german is a very difficult language to pronounce
- nothings open on sunday - which drove me crazy.

i liked germany and i liked the workcamp experience. hopefully will be able to repeat the experience

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