Sunday, April 01, 2007

lunch with Lulu

yesterday, i had lunch with a friend. lunch was great and she is a lovely person, but that is not why i am writing.

While not quite afraid for my life, there were a few hairy moments from the time she picked me up. Seatbelts are kinda superfluous to Romanian mind. i have gotten into cars, put on my seatbelt like the well indoctrinated american i am and been asked if i was scared. Am like, no but you have to put it on to be safe.

She likes to say a prayer every time she gets into the car and starts driving and when she reaches her destination. I didnt ask but she explained to me that she gets into a lot of accidents. "Why hairy?" you ask. She drives like she owns the road and creates her own lanes. The tram lanes are hers and even when there was no traffic on the road in front of her, she was still driving half on the road, half on the tram lane.

i now understand her need for prayer.

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