Thursday, May 10, 2007

beer beer beer

as you know, noble and intrepid traveler that i am, when i visit someplace i endeavor to learn about and explore the culture of a place. therefore, i boldly set forth to plumb the depths of germany's greatest cultural achievements.

so i made sure that i had some beer. i was ready to imbibe in attempts to discover all the varying flavors and textures that minute but very real differences in ratios of ingredients can confer upon the beverage. sadly i am a retard and therefore unable to connoisseur anything. also am a lightweight (cheap date) and i mostly think beer tastes like buttock.

luckily and heartily for me the germans seem quite egalitarian about this unlike some other countries i've been to though i totally took advantage of the fact that beer is cheaper than water while in the czech republic. there is a special type of beer which is used to make very very tasty drinks that include such lovely combinations as beer with coke. some might say that its a misuse of the high and holy coca cola but i say its a pretty good way of making beer not be nasty. i also had lime beer. its kinda like limeade but with beer. ever so magical.

what i learned is that germans have found a way to bring culture to everyone, even girly girls who can't really appreciate the centuries of tradition, trial, error, blood, sweat, and tears that every glass of beer contains

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