Sunday, October 07, 2007

muse! muse! Muse!

just got back from the Muse concert and i hafta say that it was pretty damn great. especially since tickets were about 15 bucks. they had this really great stage show and lights and ahhh. . . . during my favorite songs, i closed my eyes and got a spanky light show behind the lids. the music and voices were great. its amazing how much sound 3 dudes can produce especially when they sometimes stop the guitar and give some piano action.

a couple of things sucked - sadly, no pics as my camera is woefully out of date and i need to replace it. i would have liked to have a couple extra inches in height so i could get a super clear view over all those gigantor headed people (its amazing the number of people out there with this deformity and they were all standing in front of me). maybe i will receive that as a b-day present this year. and dear lord general admin sucks. pretty much waited, that is standing up on my poor feet, for almost 4 hours before the band actually played. but the hurtin' disappeared once the music started flowing.

i danced, and possibly annoyed the people who were nearby - they were standing too close anyway - i personally think that much of Muse's music is great to dance to. the heavens threatened to provide us with moisture but it held off and it was a gorgeous nite for a show. we were outside and the temp was just right to make it okay to be packed so close with people

funny how times change. on one of the ballads people took out lighters and cellphones to give light.

afterwards, starving, i made my way to a 24 hour McDonald's. i had forgotten to eat and i practically inhaled my fries and cherry pie (they have cherry here!!!) i swear to god, at midnight, the McD's workers think its a club - dance music blasting.

all in all a good nite - even if they didnt play my favorite favorite song.

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