Sunday, March 23, 2008

happy spring, happy easter

yeah, spring is here! officially and otherwise. a few weeks ago it started here in earnest. but first we had to have a snow storm. now its absolutely freaking gorgeous. when i walk outside i feel all joyful (my lump of coal heart actually beats a time or two). the fruit trees are in bloom, everything is that new leaf green (my favorite), and the air smells lovely (flowers overwhelm the smell of exhaust). of course i take loads and loads of pics of flowers. as nauseating as that may be in retrospect, i can't help it.

today i went to easter service at the biserica italiana, a small church full of incense and with a more intimate feel. other than the anglican church, i know not of any place that does service in english, and in keeping with previous tradition of not understaning a thing, i went to one in italian (i was too late for the romanian and too early for the polish). i understood random words but not enough to mean anything. luckily all catholic easter services are essentially the same.

the alter girls were adorable, the priest looked old and fatherly (i find it disconcerting when the priest is young and hot), and the music was lovely. there was one of those old wood and brass organs so the music totally filled up the church. there was also a dude playing some stuff on guitar (half the service seemed to be music of some kind). because underneath it all am not that civilized, i had to restrain myself from clapping every time the guitarist finished a song (no junie, it is not a rock concert!). oh and there was a high nun per capita presence. one held the mike for the guitarist while he sang. i kept on waiting for her to rock out but um . . . i guess nuns dont do that. others hung out being all nun-like

then i broke my fast with some chinese food (egg fried rice) with a side of coke. funny how after 6+ weeks coke is not so tasty anymore (chemically buttocks). afterwards, i sat in a park area and read.

in a few weeks i will celebrate it again with orthodox easter. i hear the country really lets loose (in a celebratory religious way, of course).

lots of love (boy, does easter do funny things to my lump of coal heart!)

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