Monday, March 03, 2008

i hate grocery shopping

let me lay on you what happened to me today.

its that time of year where i make attempts at eating healthily (before I realize its too much work and give up). this means cooking and going to the grocery store on a fairly regular basis. i often go to the little one but sometimes there is need to hit the big store for cheaper or hard to find items.

today, after work, i went to Auchan (a hypermarket like wal-mart) which is closest to me and hopefully less pain inducing. boy was i wrong!

i do the shopping. my cart looked empty but its amazing how much it all is in the end. i carried with me my ginormous ikea bag (one of those bags they give you to shop with, but here you can also buy them) to carry my stuff in (saving the environment and landfills and all that jazz). i cant even tell you how massively heavy the thing was in the end.

by the time i finished, it was that time of the evening where everyone is getting off work and/or coming to shop. i would have had to sell my first born child (who has already been promised for some important thing or another i desperately wanted/needed) to get a taxi and the trams and buses were resembling sardine tins. so i opt to take the free bus service provided by Auchan.

i hop on a bus and ask the driver if he stops near me. he says yes, but the closest he gets is still a 30 minute walk away. i am then treated to a ride through some truly unattractive parts of Bucharest. i arrive back at Auchan and ask the driver for the correct bus being more specific about the location needed. he responds by almost deafening me. i know my Romanian grammar's bad and all, but ain't no need to be so loud.

the right bus comes along, and wouldn't you know it? everyone and their mother (literally) hop on my bus and push me out of the way so am pretty close to last (the 50+ pounds of groceries really slowed me down). i climb on, with an apologetic smile on my face since my bag is so gi. suddenly, i hear myself being cursed out buy some woman, i look up to respond and all i can say is "okaaay" cause the vitriol is coming from the mouth of an old (scarily wizened and resembling a raisin) woman. unfortunately, i was taught to be nice to the elderly.

luckily it was the right bus, but its still a 5 minute walk (with every one feeling like an eternity) as i break my back getting the stuff home.

i really really don't ever want to do this again.

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