Tuesday, May 27, 2008


just like y'all in the states, its also voting time here in bucharest. cause am all knowledgeable - all i can make out are that there are some parties - they are yellow, orange, green, and red. they must have names but am far too knowledgeable to figure that out (there are a lot of acronyms and that's hard work!). bucharest is divided into 6 sectors, each with its own mayor, and there is one for the whole city. so theres a lot of this campaigning and leaflet giving and such.

the campaign style here is a bit different. was subjected to a commercial for a yellow dude at the movies as part of the preview for Iron Man. you will also find flatbed trucks with mounted speakers driving down some of the major residential roads, blaring music and the names of their people. but the kicker is the truck also has cheerleader type people on it in short shorts and tight shirts. you know, to get the issues across so you can make an informed decision when voting.

now the only ones who approach me are members of the green party. i figure they must be desperate because, one look at me lets you know that i cant vote. but still they will give me leaflets and a gift. the leaflet, in addition to letting me know this party will free us from the communists who have been running the country despite the revolution, has on the back the football playing schedule - something useful. i also received matches, again useful stuff.
i cant help but realize though that the other colors give out lighters.

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