Saturday, September 24, 2011

1st Post Viet Nam!

Been a couple of years of adventure and pure laziness in updating this blog. Am turning over a new leaf (so many leaves have been turned to no avail) and will attempt to post regularly.

Today, I went to Binh Thanh market - the place for touristy kitsch in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). Had a nice time walking around trying to avoid buying stuff. It was my first time there and my eyes were repeatedly caught by shiny, shiny pretty things. It's also a market that locals use, mostly for foodstuff. I bargained this lady down to 50% and she could not wait to see the back of me. I kinda felt bad. A nice thing about this market is that they have people with fixed prices as well. I am guessing that these are the official government employees as they wear uniforms. After a while, it was a relief to go to them since I would have to haggle over prices. Years in the states and Romania have atrophied my bargaining muscles. Gotta give them a work out.

I returned home and went to a local restaurant to eat (almost everything is open air). I seriously have five people come to (ostensively) help me order (they weren't much help). Though, I think it was more likely to stare at the foreigner and practice their English. They kept coming back to try and chat. I was just trying to eat my meal and read my book. Sometimes it is really hard work. One asked me if I was delicious. I didn't want to laugh and make a lewd comment. After I figured out the pronunciation, I realized she was asking after the enjoyment of the meal.

Fun times. I have got to find some language courses right quick.

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