Friday, January 26, 2007

addle brained misadventures uno (1)

sorry again for being m.i.a but been a bit busy. end of semester means lots of exams and grading and blah blah blah. its too boring to go into and massively unenjoyable. am looking forward to the long weekend at the end of this trying period.

also been trying to get my wits but i fear they may be way long gone.

1. after living in this apt for almost 2 months. i still dont know where the trash thing is. i have a key that i have tried on many doors in the building to no avail. was a bit scared when i was trying the key in the doors thing cause what if someone caught me at their door wiggling something in the lock and thought i was trying to break into their apt. i even tried some doors outside but then i just looked like the crazy foreign lady ramdomly trying to break into doors. so i let that one alone

when i moved in, the girl told me that the trash place was somewhere around back. but, alas, i am unable to find this magical place. i started leaving by trash by where i thought the trash place would be if the cloaking/ invisibility device was off. it worked because the trash seemed to magically be disappearing but then one day an old lady hanging out on a balcony in a neighboring building started shouting things at me (i didnt really understand). i attempted to ask her the location of the alleged trash place but she just gestured wildly, frothing at the mouth (slight exaggeration) and threatened (she really did) to call the police on me.

it seems to me that there is ALWAYS an old lady hanging out on a balcony somewhere, minding your business and threatening to call the cops (lesson learned from various tv shows - good education it seems).

i dont know what is up with this building but i have yet to meet a neighbor therefore i am unable to ask. sometimes i see the trash cans all lined up (silently mocking me) so the garbage trucks can empty them but before i know it, they disappear into the trash ether - never to be used by me. so i now walk a block to a dumpster. woe is me.

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