Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the tram gods hate me

it was an absolutely gorgeous day. you know - one of those with a brilliant blue sky and so sunny it almost felt like summer. then the sun set and it turned cold cold cold.

am needing to get home and i go the tram stop awaiting my chariot home. there are e2 lines that pass by my house that also stop at this station. no worries right? get one easily and be home in like 10 minutes. sadly i was mistaken as i apparently had done something to offend the tram gods and decided to punish me and have some fun at my expense.

because the day had been so lovely, i left with sunglasses and a light jacket but without gloves or ear cover thingies - to my detriment. i read as i wait for the tram. lookup and i see one of my trams speeding off. apparently i was so engrossed in the book that i didnt hear the tram arrive and do its thang.

its okay - i can still kinda feel my fingers. another one should be coming shortly. eagle eye trained on my book and one in the approaching trams. when it arrives, i go to the door and politely wait for the people to get off. just as the doorway has cleared, i raise my foot to board, only to have the doors snap and my face quickly (if my nose was bigger i would be needing a prosthetic) and hurriedly pull away. i can only guess that the tram driver didnt like the look of me or had a severe case of diarrhea and was trying to finish his shift quickly.

so i wait some more. the next one comes right on top of one i wasnt taking. it stops pretty far back, not even at the stop. i wait for it to reach me, where ive been standing anxiously and for way too long, only to have it keep going. guess that driver decided that he didnt want to stop again just to let passengers on.

more waiting and another comes. i run up to it, push some old ladies out of my way and hop on.

i should have walked home. lesson only partially learned cause you know i'm gonna be waiting at that same stop again sometime soon.

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