Sunday, July 13, 2008

brains just wasting away

even though i have 3 courses i should be doing work for and studying, this is what my brain is focused on.

i saw a pic of mischa barton the other day and it brought this to mind.

remember the movie the never ending story. that has got to be one of the best movies of ALL time and of my childhood. its one of the reasons i dont like religious movies.
1. i hate being preached too.
2. they tend to be boring. they need to get some jet li in there with some wolverine - not superman cause he sucks - and throw in some keanu reeves for me to watch. maybe am not the target demographic cause i dont think that will ever happen.
3. the never ending story. when i was a kid, i would look at the tv guide and see that the greatest story ever told was gonna be on and would be sooooooooooooooooooo excited. cause my child brain always (not the brightest as this happened many times) confused it with the never ending story - bastion, atreyu, falkor, the child empress. i would be in heaven, on cloud nine waiting for one of my faves to come on. only to be driven into the depths of despair when i saw some dirty people with greasepaint and beards running around in a desert about something or another. this could also be the reason why am not fond of beards and grease paint though i do like deserts.

anyway, back to misha barton and the movie. every time i see her the image of falkor - the luck dragon comes to mind. she kinda looks like him. and i mean this in a super nice way, cause i loved falkor. i wanted one, though it took me a long time to realize that he wasnt a dog being called a dragon but was from east asian mythology therefore not looking like a lizard.

and every so often, i listen to the song and dream. after seeing and loving the movie, i read the book and it was horrible. may have been a good book, but totally ruined the movie for me.

1 comment:

Amy said...

ahhh, don't you love summer :)