Thursday, July 17, 2008

her . . .

am currently in Brasov, a german town in the transylvanian alps doing a course in romanian. more on that later (isnt i nice how i always say that but never deliver). yesterday, i noticed a growth on my face near my mouth.

today i went to the pharmacy to get something to put on it. i would like to say before i go on, i never had a cold sore until i came to romania. i got the first one last summer. isnt i nice that i have a memento that will last me forever?

so i go to the pharmacy, wait my turn patiently, and ask the pharmacist in grammatically correct romaian, "do have medication for this?" did not know how to say cold sore in romanian. i swear she shouts "HERPES?" apparently the word is exactly the same in romanian, only with an accent - think her-pez. i was appalled and shamed. all i could do was say umm, i guess.

i mean chicken pox is in the herpes family too, but people dont go around saying that their 6 year old has herpes.

toodles - me and my growth

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