Wednesday, January 07, 2009


i want to say hella-hellaciousness

had a marvelous visit at home with friends, family, and shopping. i return to bucharest. or i tried and the airline gods were punishing me. there were delays in boston. bad enough ay? no, the airline, though on my ticket confirmed vegetarian food, had nothing to offer me so i starved on the flight. then there were delays in paris. then when i finally got to bucharest, they lost my luggage.

i did meet a nice dude though at the airport whose luggage was also lost and we shared a taxi. but i dont think that makes up for the 32 hours of travel. most of which was spent in the airport watching the delay time be pushed further and further back.

but am home with kitties. they greeted me at the door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Junie! Happy New Year! We miss you tons. xoxoxox Lisa, John and Carol