Wednesday, October 04, 2006

happy happy, fight fight, happy happy, fight fight

fighting is joyous - no? just kidding. am a bit happy cause i have found some violent art to participate it. i wend to a kendo (japanese fencing) class last nite. was pretty darn cool. i will go for a bit and see how it goes. i may not continue as the full fencing equipment is quite expensive. i also went to archery. oh Joy!!! - ish

kinda lost its luster when i was there. have to shoot indoors then the instrutor told me that i shoot like a hunter. i felt like shooting him! 1. dude i dont kill animals 2. he could me a little kinder as he was shredding me. i then shot 5/6 golds. but then again i got way way crap as i moved away from the target. at 25 meters i was about to kill people. i actually couldnt see. could be the indoors doesnt agree with me. plus its so late - i got home after 11p.m. i was falling asleep on the subway. all that swaying is like being rocked to sleep. but sleeping on the train is probably not good for my health.

things i miss about the uae - archery is a winter sport where you enjoy the perfect weather of the outdoors. and you dont have mean instructors.

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