Monday, October 16, 2006

weird person on the tram

y'all i am the weird person on the tram or anyother public transport (think this is pretty much in any country). i sometimes forget this and am reminded. today i was listening to irene cara's what a feeling - flashdance. yes from the classic 80s movie that was robbed of the 30 oscars it deserved. i was thinking that i would love to be belting this song out now. there is just something about it (okay every other song) that makes me want to sing. sadly i would sound absolutely horrid cause i ain't got that kind of vocal range (or any at all). but then i that thought reminded me of playing kareoke with the nieces (zana, lena, and anna) this summer. was totally fun and i sounded . . em. . really good! this brought a big ole smile on my face. people were wondering what i was laughing at. but was a nice happy memory.

went to kendo tonite and i spent 1 1/2 hours learning how to step properly. practice practice practice. i just want to get to the beating people up part. sigh. i know its supposed to be all zen and stuff but really the purpose is to beat up people. this is what attracted me in the first place. one of the other girls told me that she did that for 3 weeks. dear lord! i know i am supposed to learn something like patience or some other freaking virtue that i lack, but i think that maybe overkill. but then again the sensei could seriously put some hurt on me so i will do as he says for now. but watchout! in about 30 years when i have some skills i will turn the tables. assuming of course that i can handle the 3 weeks of slide glide, slide glide, slide glide . . .

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