Monday, October 09, 2006

sands through the hourglass

so apparently i am 28. i had a birthday. i dont feel 28 and this gets me thinking "am i really 28?" how do i know for sure that i am. all i know is what 'they' have told me. how do i know when i real birthday is? i mean i remember a certain number of years, but it certainly isn't 28. al i have for proof is that yellowing piece of paper known far and wide as a 'birth certificate' that could have been forged yesterday. all you need is a little tea and some official looking stamps.

what if i am part of some huge experiment - like seeing if people will believe and act the age you tell them? what if i'm really 5 and they've done this weird thing with the space time continuum thing for nefarious purposes? what if i've discovered the truth and they terminate the experiment? what if i'm really a clone with implanted memories? what if you're not real and neither am i? what if they discover that i've discovered what is really going on and they conspire to silence me?

all i know is that i don't feel as old as i am told that i am or how i thought i would feel when i thought about being this old when i was younger.

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