Wednesday, October 11, 2006

tofu . . . oh bliss!

i know this may seem sad but one of the things that i really like about this country is the tofu. i looooooovvvveee tofu. i know many cant understand it but the stuff is just freaking awesome. plus the soybean is like a little miracle cause you can make ever so much stuff from it. they treat tofu like cheese - the cheese aisle is where its found. and it comes in flavors that are added while its being made. just like cheese!! so you can get it with dill and peppers. imagine pepper jack cheese but tofu! not that stuff that has been sitting in some flavored water that you hope manages to find its way into the gi block of tofu. bliss i tell you, bliss.

more on food - you can make personalized m and m's here - like with your own messages. pretty cool huh?

am going to a school/corporation dinner today. the things i do for free food. well it is a five star hotel so it best be good. and yay oh yay. holiday next friday. nine days of hanging and traveling. my friend june is coming for a visit.

cool beans

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