Friday, June 29, 2007

new but sad addiction

been playing a lot of text twist recently. you know cause i gotta find something to do in between games of jawbreaker.

have realized that am on a somewhat rapid decline. will be drooling and pooping on myself real soon. i went through a bout of playing it alot about 18 months ago. sad to say this time around am way way dumber at the game. have yet to reach my previous high score. if am really hardcore, i get about 2/3 of the way before going caput. its very sad and am a bit ashamed that i cant think of words like 'ret' and stuff. is that even a real word?

to be fair (really just whining and trying to make myself seem less stupid) i would do much better if the game accepted bad words, words in other languages, place names and slang. its not too much to ask for is it?

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