Monday, June 04, 2007

relating to nature

one of the things that i truly like about Romania is the opportunity to be outside. mind you i have to be as i must be intimately acquainted with the public transport system to get anywhere. but the UAE is such an indoor culture and i did it for 3 years. i didnt realize til i got here how much i had been missing the whole being outdoors, going to parks, and just enjoying the sun and weather thing.

with that said, as always, i've got complaints. nature is not as beautiful in reality as in my head. the landscaping has not been thought out - there are fruit trees all over the place and they SHED fruit. this seems okay til walking the sidewalk is like a fruit squooshing exercise (kinda like the wine stomping in that "I love Lucy" episode). frankly i am worried about my shoes (you know i'm shallow so dont shake your head). i must say, am all about the useless and pretty tree school of landscaping but i may start collecting fruit and making jam (you know lemon -lemonade thing). then i walk under a tree and am pinged by cherries that just 'happen' to fall from the tree - in actuality, i think the squirrels have it out for me and arent shy about letting me know.

the slugs come out at night and leave trails all over where i walk. its like their taunting me, trying to drive me insane cause they know that i have a big phobia (yes yes , its true but aside from that, i think they are a mistake of creation). I dont think the cops would appreciate me littering the streets with shallow dishes of beer to do them in (though the drunks and people with a slug problem in their gardens may applaud my efforts).

finally, spring is supposed to be all miraculous and about life and all that slightly nauseating and mushy crap. just to show that if you really dig deep enough, you can find some tenderness in me, this one is really sad. i keep seeing dead baby birds - no not some Jungian craziness that i could write a song about and make lots of money (peter gabriel) but actual baby birds on the side walks (i look down a lot as i am desperately trying to avoid the dog doo so i wont have any more shoes camping on the balcony not being worn). i dont know if they have been pushed out of the nest by parents or siblings but they are tiny, naked, and recently hatched. eyes are closed and i wonder if i have stepped on any, not realizing it in those moments when am not looking of the ground.

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