Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ashes and other stuff

Today, i walked my poor feet something ragged. I had booked my ticket to the Uffizi gallery online so I wouldn't have to wait in line. Sadly, I didn't quite make the booking as I kept on getting lost. But the guy was nice and gave me my ticket. I think that it would have been a different story in the peak season. I spent quite a bit of time there and it was pretty good. Lots of Renaissance stuff by the masters and less well known. One of the purposes of these trips is to see the stuff that I studied in class in real life. Usually it gains something in the live viewing.

Afterwards, I just strolled along side streets, avoiding the main roads with no goal in mind, experiencing the city. I wound up in Piazza San Croce. Sitting on a bench, looking at the church, I made a friend - Priscilla. We wound up hanging out for the rest of the day.

We went to the Palazzo Pitti (being a bit tired of palaces and renaissance art) we skipped it and walked the the attached gardens. The the word garden doesn't cover it. Its a huge park with hills and trees and you cannot see the whole landscape but there are little surprises with grottoes and sculptures when you break through the trees. It was a gorgeous day out - sunny and warm - one totally perfect for spending in the sun

Then we went to the Piazzale di Michelangelo which is located on a hill (vomited up a lung walking up all those steps) across the river from the main city. It has the most magnificent views of the city.

Afterwards, I went to a tiny church for Ash Wednesday services. I, of course, understood nothing. The church was small but with vaulted ceilings so it was freezing inside. They don't even burn real candles anymore. Service was pleasant and I got my ashes. He sprinkled them on the crown of the head rather than a cross on the forehead. Who knows how long it will take for the ashes to work their way through the fro. We also all went up to wish him peace near the end of the service. I had never done that before either.

now my feet are killing me and my stomach is complaining that it's been more than 8 hours since lunch.

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