Thursday, February 26, 2009


I got out of Florence today and headed into one of those little towns in the surrounding hills. It was a mostly sunny and kinda warm day. I have to say that it is absolutely freaking beautiful out there. The whole walking up hills and then trying to descending them without going ass over kettle was a bit dicey but the views were absolutely worth it. The day was a bit misty but you could see for miles and miles, other towns, and the entirety of Florence laid out below. So I hung out, reading, soaking up the peace for a few hours.

I returned to Florence to go to the Academy of art to see the real Michelangelo's David. But nooooooooo. These people decided to close 2 hours (that's right 2!) to have a staff meeting. em . . these things should happen at a time when they don't interrupt my schedule. Like, I think someone forgot to tell them this. I will how have to get there at 8.15 on the morning that I leave to try and see it. It may not happen.

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