Thursday, February 01, 2007

very important cabagge update

yes, this entry will deal with my newly (since moving to romania) acquired cabbage fixation!

okay so last week i started romanian language lessons again. i tried before and was so traumatized that i had to take a couple of months off to let the memory fade some. the lessons were two hours long - at nite with a blackboard and all of this information in this totally incomprehensible other language. after an hour and 15 minutes, my brain had shut off and all i heard was wawawawa. those last 45 minutes stretched to an eternity and y'all know i have all kinds of time issues.

anyway now i have private one hour lessons and i might learn a word or two in the next few months. this is a freaking difficult language so i've decided that grammar really doesnt count - dont believe anyone who tells you different. just string some words together and people will figure out what you mean. plus the whole phonetic thing means words are way long and the rolling 'R' thing is a bit difficult. i can do the 'R' but when there are Ls and so many syllables, its very hard going. exhibit a - aviatorilor. 6 syllables and 3 tongue trippy bits all at he end. my pronunciation of the first half of the word is freaking dead on amazing (at least, i think so). personally, i think we should change the word and drop off the difficult and unnecessary bits.

anyway, i now move on the good part - you know, the cabbage talk.

the great thing about private lessons is stopping and visiting some tangents as we meander towards some slight understanding on my part. today, it was cabbage (much of this was in romanian by the way) and i learned that ever since the ancient times (like the romans or something) the cabbage has been important to the romanian people. it is seen as like the best medicine for the body and can be used to cure many things. if you have arthritis or shoulder pain, sleep with cabbage touching the area and the pain will go away. also it is good for the digestive system. furthermore, you can totally pickle it!

am just saying

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