Monday, February 19, 2007

visions of the future

i normally dont have visions of how students will be when they grow up. i didnt turn out how the family thought i would and my life now is nothing like i thought it would be when i was younger. but i think that i have a fairly accurate predictions of Donny's* future.

i dont know what he will be or anything like that but i envision him 20, 30, 40+ years. he's a really nice kid, but am a little afraid now and he's only 12. its like this kid saw some episodes of Three's Company and decided that jack trippers swinger friend was his new hero. the school uniform includes a long sleeve pullover for the winter. most kids wear this with a teeshirt underneath but not Donny. No, his is unzipped, the maximum, to mid chest level. he walks with his chest puffed out so all the laay-dez can see the smooth birdness of it. he also spends way to much time on his hair. lots of gel and styling almost everyday. his parents spend way too much money on his hair - lots of blond highlights. to top it off there is a heavy gold chain.

n the future i see him continuing along this vein. maybe bell bottom leisure suits will come back but with space age fabrics. i see shirts open to the navel and a ginormous gold medallion nestled in some chest hair. hey, maybe highlighting chest hair will become popular and he'll have some. and i see the sucking in of the gut to puff out the chest and strutting to and fro so everyone, especially the laay-dez, can witness his glory. best career goals should include being in a boyband.

* names have been changed to protect the whatever

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