Wednesday, March 07, 2007

the church of stop shopping

just read about the Church of Stop Shopping here and i like it! this group (its not actually a church) is using the televangelist and politically comic model (like the Daily Show) to spread the word about the negative affects of globalization and the free market. i think most of us dont realize how we perpetuate a form of slavery by doing things like drinking massively expensive coffees at places like Starbucks, who drive down the prices of the raw coffee and pocket huge profits. E.g. Ethiopian farmers receive $0.86 of the $26 Starbucks charges for 1 pound of Ethiopian Sidamo coffee. plus, i know this maybe heresy to some, but i dont understand the allure of starbucks anyway. the deserts are just not that tasty.

sure a market economy is a great thing - i like having the variety of choices available - but is really when its at the expense of people in poor countries? buy fair trade if you can (starbucks now offers fair trade at some locations) for as many products as you can and support your local businesses so have a little more individuality in our worlds and lives. you can find out more information about reverend billy here. the dude who brought you Supersize Me is making a movie, to be out soon, about Reverend Billy called What Would Jesus Buy? the Fair Trade Foundation can be found here (there are other organizations)

i now descend from my soapbox (i cant help it when i get into teacher mode).

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