Wednesday, March 07, 2007



i was gonna post this yesterday but we had a brown out and i thought it best to go to sleep. good decision cause i woke up massively well rested.

yesterday, minding my own business , waiting for a train to the post office, i was assaulted. visually that is. cant even tell you how truly hellacious it was. i can only be thankful for small favors - since i was underground and its a bit darker than the full-on sunglasses needing sunlight on the outside. i saw a woman in a purple skirt- which was okay. she was wearing high heeled pumps with really skinny heels and super pointy shoes - which was fine. she had on black tights - copacetic. but here is the horror - she had on bright purple legwarmers. they covered half of her foot (i guess making them foot and legwarmers) and up to her calves. i dont get it. why? why? why?

i dont even know how she could wear them. aside from being heinously ugly, isnt it uncomfortable to have things bunched up under your feet and walking on them. i guess i should give her props for being all fashion forward but i wonder at the adoption of a style that was crazy back in '85. also i ask, when is this "every thing from the 80s is awesome " trend gonna end?

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