Tuesday, March 20, 2007

the heady smells of spring

apologies - been back from budapest since last week but there were internet connection issues.

today is the Vernal Equinox and spring is here in bucharest. its amazing how quickly things progress. already the blossoms are gone from the trees and the new leaves are in (my favorite green), and it was super warm today.

this is also a time when a teacher really starts to notice certain things and some of the sacrifices i make teaching really make themselves known. i also start to notice the lack of things like air conditioners. it totally sucks teaching adolescent kids and my olfactories hate me and are clamoring for a divorce. in the UAE i would just adjust the a.c. units lower and lower, but i realize that here i am in for a truly horrendous few months.

nothing is quite as funky as an adolescent. when i leave my room and reenter, i am viciously attacked by the funk that has settled in the room, marking its territory, and waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting nose. it reeks of my doom. its hellacious. its most heinous. i will be trapped in a room with one window for the the next 3 1/2 months with the musk that only a child going through puberty can produce. oh, lets not forget how they LOVE to run outside during breaks and come back sweaty. its a really really special treat.

but i cannot say anything cause i have been scarred with trying to deal diplomatically with things in the past.

i hope my nose will forgive me.


Anonymous said...

Do what i do in regards to stinky kids . . . spray *THEM* with Febreeze!


J to the Dor said...

dude. cant get febreeze here. i keep the window open but it only does so much.