Wednesday, March 07, 2007

scary parents

one of my students came in today with a motorcycle helmet (he later got in trouble for checking out the bike shop website rather than doing research for his project). i heard him later talking to his friends about the motorcycle.

this makes me wonder at the utter irresponsibility and stupidity of some people. the kid is 14!!! furthermore, he is not one of the brightest stars in the sky, nor does he have a good head on his shoulders. do his parents want to kill him?

just because someone has the disposable income doesnt mean that the child should get everything he desires. i just dont get it. i wouldnt drive a car in bucharest let alone allow a child, who has no sense of his mortality and prone to risk taking behavior (characteristic of 14 year old males), on a guaranteed organ donor machine. i hope he stays okay but statistics are against him.

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