Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Rome - Discrimination at St. Pete's

i was absolutely and unbelievably flabbergasted when i went to St. Peters Basilica and was confronted with these examples of discrimination. i mean, this church is the flagship of one of the largest religious organizations in the world. what about all that brotherly love stuff? arent there anti-discrimination laws out there somew i was dumbfounded. below is the evidence of this most hienous practice. this is a sign right before the entrance to the church complex.

what do they have against amputees in shorts? does this apply only to people missing the left arm? do people without right arms laugh at those who can't enter. can you get in if youre a double amputee? these are very difficult questions that i tried to wrap my mind around, but, shallow as i am, i didnt think about them too long (my head started to hurt and there was so much to see) nor did they prevent me from enjoying the basilica. more on that later.

i kinda want to go again but with a glue gun, so i can fix this for them. i dont want others leaving with hearts heavy and feelings hurt. (i'm totally a humanitarian)

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