Tuesday, February 17, 2009

you say drill, i say torture

today we had an earquake (we get those in romania) and fire drill. It happened at the end of a lesson that my students were taking a test. I held them back a few minutes (that's right, health and safety first!) to try and finish the test. I don't think that went too well since that annoying bell was ringing the whole time.

but the fun part is that we were standing outside for 20 minutes in the not warmest weather, watching the firemen. It was a training exercise for us and them. I think it's great that the firemen people learn how to put out fires well - in the off chance that I will be trapped in a burning building here. But dear lord! it was freezing (literally) and I had no jacket on and neither did most of the kids - though they seemed not to be feeling it. The fire department brought out the trucks (5!), connected the hose , turned on the water and put out imaginary fires. They also had that cool ladder thing that extends like 5 storeys. They put on some demos for the kids and let them play with the equipment.

Remember when we were in school and the police would come in with the suitcases full of drugs behind glass so we could see what they look like. I think it was to show us drugs were bad or something, but really it felt like a class on how to accurately identify the drugs to make sure your dealer doesn't rip you off by. Fond memories. i kinda looked forward to those visits every year and was a little disappointed when they stopped having them. This kinda felt like that except not so much fun for me cause I was cold and they wouldnt let me play with the stuff.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Remember the fire drill that sounded like an invasion alarm at AAESS. Our kids would have burned that day!