Wednesday, February 20, 2008

a bit disappointing but ultimately nice day @Snagov

(A New One)

today, i was all fired up. i was gonna visit the grave of that totally awesome dude - Dracula aka Vlad the Impaler and a totally pretty monastery. Snagov Monastery is set on an island in the middle of a lake. It was a gorgeous and sunny winter day - feeling like spring really. i made my lunch for the picnic and set out to try and find my way to this place. eileen and i took a maxi-taxi (cross between a bus and a taxi) to the place and walked the rest of the distance to the complex that has access. being me, i forgot a few things.

1. didn't realize that the only way to the monastery was by boat. thought maybe there was a bridge or something

2. didn't realize that the lake would be frozen over.

sadly, didn't get to visit with dracula, but hey there's always spring. however, the day was so beautiful. we hung out on the dock and enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather. enjoy the pics.

below is the view of a maxi taxi ride.

Eileen and I at the lake. i was too scared to go out on the ice. the past couple of days have been warm. my luck, i would have fallen through the ice.


i was adopted by one of the stray dogs that live in the complex and surrounding woods.

Snagov is only 25 miles (40K) outside of Bucharest. Though they have recently banned horse and carts, theyre still around

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