Thursday, February 21, 2008

dreams abandoned

sounds serious eh?

tonite, i went to the Antheneum for a concert which included some classical music stuff, a famous russian pianist, and Stravinsky (guess which one i liked best). the music was pretty good though the pianist did 2 (WTF? this aint no rock concert!) encores.

classical concerts are like great meditative times for me. i kinda just listen to the music and my mind wanders across a spectrum of things e.g. buying shoes, drawing, doing my hair, writing some stuff, the books am currently reading, the music, etc. i wish i had remembered my journal cause am sure the was some brilliance amid the chaff.

but the best and worst part about the show was the triangulist(?). at some point, i had forgotten until i saw this dude, i wanted to be a triangle player. i thought that i could definitely rock it and let's face it, the triangle player is the highlight of any performance. kinda like lead guitarist in a rock band. sadly, fate and my short attention span cut my dream down before it had a chance to flower. its all very heart breaking. but i still wonder if this is a full time job for this dude? do the violinists make fun of him? is there a back up for when he gets sick? i think i could be his understudy. is there a training program for triangle players?

the ceiling of the antheneum. its totally rococo and there's also i diaroma of romanian history circling the dome.

your's truly in front of the antheneum last year

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