Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Siniai, Romania

(an old one) **just realized that i have misplaced loads of pics/memory card. will fix when i find**

yep been there a few times and eons later am writing about it.

my not so good memory remembers this --> the city was founded back in the day (not back back in the day, but like maybe a few centuries ago. i can't recall exactly) some famous person (don't remember who) went to the holy land and came back full of the holy spirit (thats how they described it . . . i lie) and decided to found a monastery on a mountain in Romania. and they named it after Mount Sinai and the town of Sinaia grew around it. today, its a ski resort and unbelievably picturesque. The monastery is lovely except the first time i went there last winter, someone didnt like me and i fell and busted bottom in the courtyard (ground was a bit icy).

Above is the new church, below the old one. there were earthquakes and increased numbers or something which necessitated a new one being built

Kelly in the monastery compound

door from the old church. although the doctor says my eyes are healthy, i still cannot take a non-wonky picture

then in the late 1800's, romania decided to unite the 3 principalities and they wanted a king. they didnt like the contenders at home and invited some austrian dude (nice work if you can get it) to come and be their king. his name was Karl and he became Carol the I (see i remember somethings) who built this totally cute germanesque castle. fairytale on the outside and decorated to the hilt (point of nausea) on the inside. true craftsmanship that is just piled on.

his heir's wife totally hated his overdone castle and refused to live in it. so next door to Peles castle is a beautiful house - Pelisior. Its all Art Nouveau and lovely. queen Marie did a fantastic job decorating it. sadly no pics inside.

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