Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ziggy: Sexy Kitty

okay not really since we went to the vet yesterday and got the sexy taken right out of her. she was kinda pathetic yesterday, dragging and falling all over the place as the drugs took a looooong time to wear off.

today we had to go to the vet for antibiotics (these people are high maintenance, i have to go again tomorrow). yesterday the vet told me to bring an old t-shirt, and he would make a shirt for ziggy to prevent her from licking and dissolving the stitches. so i did and he made ziggy the most rockingest outfit ever. she's so funny in it cause she cant move properly (she isnt the most graceful kitty at the best of times). she kinda gets to where she wants to go and flops over. she's fallen on her head a few times trying to get off her chair (am a bit worried cause she is pretty much brilliant - i lie - and dont want that dimmed). right now shes just sleeping it off in my arms. she cant make the jump to the desk anymore so she cried at me to pick her up . sensitive soul that i am, i find her new look and stumbles source of great amusement.

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