Thursday, November 02, 2006

the need to love cabbage

in sit here, relatively snug as a bug. i am listening to vh1 and marveling at the totally crap programming. very few shows, just music and more music. oh! but the crap. its like this scary mix of music of yore (no matter how obscure, but this could be cause some of itnever made it across the atlantic) and current euro techno-crap-pop.

an abba song just finished. i was very scared and i know i will have disturbing dreams/visions. dont know what was the deal with this group. its scandinavian disco music. the video included scary scandinavian disco music "dancing". the blond one with the beard is gonna give me nightmares. then came on the only marc anthony song i have ever heard. before i only thought it but i now have proof that he really is totally crap.

but anyway back to that cabbage. you know the winter has arrived in romania when the veg on display everywhere is the lovely and versitile cabbage. although, so far i've only seen green and red. i saw mountains of the stuff at the peasant market - local farmers market. apparently there are many time honored methods of pickling and preserving so there will be vegetables during those long winter months. thank god that modern refridgeration/ freezing techiques allow me to eat something else. she doesnt look very happy and that truck was full earlier in the day. dear lord there is now a frank sinatra video.

on a totally me and note. the cold has made me want to crochet. kelly tried to teach me a while ago but now, i will try again. emmy that scarf is coming!

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