Saturday, November 04, 2006

sadness abounds

yesterday i braved the snow in an attempt to get philharmonic tickets (diff between that and orchestra?). in doing so i came to the somewhat uncomfortable realization that snow is pretty to look at but not that fun to be in. you may not realize it but its like cold wet rain. oh and it hurts a little. it was less fluff and more like little shards of ice. they looked to be floating to the ground in a whimsically romanitic way when i looked out the window but seem to speed up and plummet towards my face when i went outside. i think i may have micro sized snow cuts on me face. i wonder if this is a condition that dermatologists have studied. am sure to find out that it ages the face rapidly which would account for the attractive young ladies and babushka-esque scarf wearing old ladies who dont believe in bras. i guess its all punk rock and feminist but i get a little scared.

anyway i totally brave this and the evil cars as they purposefully park on the sidewalk so you have to walk really close to the edge. then other cars cheerfully drive though puddles to try and splash you. i wonder if this is a game they play, like car bullies. this could be turned into a video game and then give points for running over little old ladies or junies. so i go to the concert hall to get tickets, and in totally romanian fashion (no smile or even a half-hearted attempt at sympathy) - am told that tickets go on sale on tuesday. the freaking show is on thursday. dear lord! its not like (insert awesome/rubbish band that inspires rabid obession in fans) is playing. now i will have to brave it all again to try and get tickets. then brave it again to go to the show. woe is me!

anyway aside from not getting any tickets i now find out that doogie howser is gay. this breaks the heart of the 10 year old girl who is buried somewhere inside of me. always loved a nerd. excuse me, i gotta go drown my sorrows in tofu

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