Tuesday, November 28, 2006

tram seats and other disturbing phenomena

1. so i get on the tram. its been along day, my feet are tired and i have a long ride ahead of me. this sometimes goes for the bus too. as i stand there weaving and waving with the movement of the tram. i imagine that i am tram surfing as this i as close to surfing as i will ever get being unable to swim and afraid of deep water. plus am damn good at inner tram surfing. thought about te whole roof thing but decided that i was too good to risk my life and possibly lose my head to the electric tram wires. anyway - back to the tram ride. as am all there, swaying, i pray fervently that someone will get up and give me a seat.

sometimes if i'm lucky someone will do so, and i slide in - grateful and ready to release a heartfelt sigh at getting off my feet. only to think ewww!!! as my bum recoils from the warmth of the seat. i know some people relish sitting on an already warm seat. to my bottom, its kinda like chewing gum from someones mouth that is still soft and warm. my butt totally recognizes the warmth as being alien and telegraphs disgust to the rest of me. but alas . . . i must deal with it cause if i tried to let the seat cool down. some slow moving old lady would just snatch it from me. and i dont think other people would understand when i beat her up for it. (just kidding - am totally elderly cruelty free).

2. am walking down the street and hear a very loud SSSHHHHHTTTT!! i wonder what is this amazing sound which has blessed my ears. only to offend my other senses when i lay eyes on the offender. some dude, wrapped up in a big black coat, had one finger on a nostril and working very hard to expel whatever had built up in the other one. i think he succeed, much to my dismay.

3. mcdonalds doesnt have tomatoes during the winter. this very disturbing when you order a big mac no meat and are desperate to add some stuff inside. i saw the vegetable menu, which consisted on all the sandwiches but with tomato and cucumber, this summer and thought nothing of it. plus they chared extrat for this) then went in today only to find out that - yep! tomatoes only during the summer. this in addition to the fact that you have to pay for ketchup. any ketchup! what the heck is a fry without ketchup?

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